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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Marriage Code by Bisi Olasoetan. 28th Feb 2021

Sermon starts with Eph 5:33 - The Mystery about Marriage. And a Prayer to God to reveal. Pastor Bisi of the Secret place wives brings a unique and uncommon perspective to the institution of Marriage. If I attempted to sum up the sermon in a few words it would  be ..  Marriage is a divine call to fixing your partner...or better put a call to reconcile your spouse to God . This may not be an unfamiliar perspective, but the meaning is more profound when you understand, you too need some fixing. Some key points from the sermon. Marriage is one of the kind of relationship that goes sour fast. - If you are experiencing issues in your Marraige..nothing is wrong..(it's a part of it. (This explains everything, if there is an issue, it an opportunity to do the Lord's works, and you'll be fulfilling God's purpose) John 15v2 - 4 tells us why. He that abides in Him bears fruit. We treat challenges in marriage as a wall, instead of a bump. (The friction calls for us to slow down and ...

The Courtship Code by Laju Iren

This sermon started with a common thing among our generation:  Jumping into conclusion. Pastor Laju goes on to outline various codes that should guide us during dating. Code 1: Dating is not a hobby . It's not something you do for fun. You can have fun in it (going out e.t.c) but it's not all for fun 4 signs that you are not being serious. 1. You choose without thinking about it 2. You have little or no standards. 3. No objectives: no goal in mind. 4. When you only do the fun part. Code 2: Love is a choice You are not a slave to your feelings, family or prophets. You must intentionally consider. You can't be in relationship due to circumstances beyond your control. 6. mistakes people make when choosing. - circumstances - low expectations  - unrealistic expectations: you are in your process, so also your partner. You need grace to be able to see beyond now - Ill preparedness. - Wrong counsel. - Spiritual gymnastic Code 3: Love is visionary / successful relationship are possi...

Love Code Conference 2021 - Feb 14th

 Happy Valentine's Today's sermon was lit. However, 1 thing stood out -  A relationship can be ordained by God and yet it does not work. In Acts 13v1-2 Paul and Barnabas were specifically divinely called to be partners in ministry, but we see that in Acts 15v36-39 , there was a strong disagreement and they separated, the partnership didn't work out and Paul went on to do stuff with Silas. Quite profound. A good reminder that God is not one who would enforce His will on you. He has given each and everyone of us the power of choosing, and that includes the choice of a life partner and the choice to make the relationship work. He would offer you His ideas, suggest His preferences, at the end of the day, the ball is in court as they say  🎾 Another key take away is: Be willing to wait till you have your spec (your kind of life partner). We take an example from the first man - Adam. Though he had Animals around him that could be a companion, he waited for God to give him his ...

Love is

 Love is not a feeling Love is not a set of behaviors Love is not a mental stimulation Love is not a trophy, not another achievement. Love is not only shown to and for your partner. God is love and He is the foundation of Love as we know it. Submission is not exclusive to a good marriage. 1 Cor 16v16, 1Pet 5v5 Your submission to the authority of God will make you a good partner. Christ is our example for Love. 1 John 3v16