God called Moses [to deliver the people of Isreal], Later, we see that God wanted to kill Moses, why would God want to do that? We see the reason in Exodus 4:24–26. Moses wasn't abiding with God's law of being "Marked" (circumcised) detailed explanation here. - https://www.gotquestions.org/kill-Moses.html Today's sermon was quite expository and there's quite lot to understand and we should be open to learning. God's priority for the unsaved, is Salvation, but as a believer, God's priority for us is to grow in knowledge of Him, so we can worship better. Today's sermon on the Doctrine of circumcision help us further establish that the entire bible, just like a movie is related and connected. We could see several events and situations that reflect on or suggest things to come. Safe to say everything about the bible points to Christ and His salvation work. Much of the old testament are actually symbols of Jesus and his work of salvation.. but this isn...