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Showing posts from April, 2021

Grand Finale: Colors of Grace - The Coat of Many Colors

Your strong conviction in the Salvation story can only get stronger, it can't reach a limit. That's quite amazing, thinking about it. Church was amazing today.  It was the grand finale of the teaching series colors of Grace.  This is was an exposé on How Joseph was somewhat a type of Jesus. When we study the lives of these 2 personalities, we see several similarities, this also emphasizes the fact that: -  The Old Testament is the New Testament revealed. -  The entire bible is all about Jesus and his Salvation work. God knows the end from the beginning and He knows the beginning from the end and so with the life of Joseph, he shows us some similitude of what to expect in the life of Jesus. - Jesus, just like Joseph was the beloved of his Father. Jacob gave Joseph a Coat of Many Colours. God spoke from the skies and sent a dove during Jesus' baptism to tell everyone "This is my beloved son..." -  Joseph had 12 brothers. Jesus had 12 Disciples. - Judah, one of Jos...

Colors of Grace: Grace and Sexual Sins

Today's sermon, what a very clear message, beautifully delivered. I'll try to summarize what stood out in the next few lines with an analogy that was used and that would drive home a key point in this sermon.. Here we go... When we look at the grading system for exams, any student that gets below 39 is considered to have failed. The scripture in Roman 3v23 comes to mind, All have sinned and haven fallen short of the Glory of God. ALL men have failed by God's standard. All men got below 39 by God marking scheme. By the way, looking at the etymology for  the word Sin (the study of Words). The word Sin means to missed the mark or to go astray. This sermon is a way to correct our Judging tendencies as humans, when others miss the mark or go astray in a different way than we do. Back to the exam analogy, if 2 persons took an exam and got 12/100 and someone else took the exam and got 30/100, guess what, both persons failed the exam woefully, but as humans and believers alike, we ...

The Colors of Grace: Snow - Understanding Holiness.

Sermon at Church today was lit, literally. An Expose as usual. I'll keep this brief, hopefully. The cost of wrong or almost right doctrine is costly. When it comes to the word of God, it's so crucial that we accurately divide and interpret what the bible truly means. Language is a tool at our disposal, we shouldn't let it get in the way. The Sermon starts with how colors are used in the bible as a metaphor for our Spiritual Conditions or the state of our heart. Isaiah 1v17 MSG -- Come. Sit down. Let's argue this out." This is God 's Message: "If your sins are blood-red, they'll be snow-white. If they're red like crimson, they'll be like wool. This is the second teaching in the Color of Grace series. Last week, we talked about Scarlet Red(I missed my sermon notes, but watch it here ) Today, we talked about Snow (White) - Understanding Holiness. Holiness - Let's start with what you understand by this word. You'd likely think it means to ...

Baptizo: The Doctrine of Baptism

Priotizing scripture over experiences is our priority. Heb 1v1. Baptizo means to immerse in something. Luke 12v50, Mark 10v38. Water baptism. john 1v23-26 Acts 19v4 John baptize with the baptism of repentance..SAYING... (it was a. Message, a symbol of something) Matthew 3v7 Repentance - change of heart. The baptism of John the Baptist points to repentance. It was a message. The baptism in Water was more of a place holder.  A "beta version" .what is the water baptize As many as seen the Baptism Gal 3v27-29 Romans 6v 3-4 It's representing your inclusion in Christ's and resurrection in Him . .1 Cor 1v17 ... The Gospel is the only requirements.. Not baptism. Act 8v13 Rom 6v4-11 Folks, my sermon notes don't do enough justice to this sermon. I strongly encourage you to watch the full sermon below and a recap of the sermon in music by Gamie