Today's sermon, what a very clear message, beautifully delivered.
I'll try to summarize what stood out in the next few lines with an analogy that was used and that would drive home a key point in this sermon..
Here we go...
When we look at the grading system for exams, any student that gets below 39 is considered to have failed.
The scripture in Roman 3v23 comes to mind, All have sinned and haven fallen short of the Glory of God. ALL men have failed by God's standard. All men got below 39 by God marking scheme.
By the way, looking at the etymology for the word Sin (the study of Words).
The word Sin means to missed the mark or to go astray.
This sermon is a way to correct our Judging tendencies as humans, when others miss the mark or go astray in a different way than we do.
Back to the exam analogy, if 2 persons took an exam and got 12/100 and someone else took the exam and got 30/100, guess what, both persons failed the exam woefully, but as humans and believers alike, we tend to condemn the person who scored 12 more than the one who scored 30, when in actual facts they both failed. They both will have a big fat F in their report.
Same thing with us Christians we judge other because the sin differently from us. Especially, due to cultural bias.
Bring the context to sexual sins, someone with any LGBTQ orientation (now you get the rainbow connection)is no different from someone who stole or told a lie. The word of God says all have sinned...and we should all look to the saving Grace of Jesus to help us rise above our sinful nature.
We should no be homophobic (not wanting to associate with LGTBQ folks) we should also share the truth of God's word and how we all can ride above such desires to go astray. The Grace of Jesus hands us the discipline to mortify the desires of the flesh.
My summary does no justice to this beautiful sermon by Pastor Iren.
Please watch for yourself
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