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Showing posts from May, 2021

Friend of God

It is possible for you to be friends with some one and they not be friend with you. Likewise Jesus. There is a responsibility friendship bestows on you. There are 2 people God called friend. - Abraham - Moses Exo 33v10-11 - God discusses his plan with them. Marks if a God friendship 1. Intimacy and intercession. 2. Shared values and shared burdens There is an intimacy God craves. Moses: Exo 32v9 Moses spokes on behalf of the people Jesus cannot be the bread of life and also be the one sharing the bread. He needs help from Friends. 2 Cor 6v1 we workers together, co-labourer and partner with God. We were born and raised to carried it the father's business. 2Cor 5v15. Everything we would do and think should revolve around God and His plan. Our lives is not about us. We have the.ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor 5v20. God is intimating us so we can be intercessors. Our King cannot be Long and An Ambassador at the same time. That's why He needs us, His friends and partners. There ar...

Catch Fire

Matthew 5v15 Redemptive testimony is demonstrative. The Christian is for show.. 1 Peter 2v9 Case in point, Elijah, a man that was aware and conscious of his ability in God. 1 King 28, 18v33. One of the way we can shine as light is to show power. Eph 5v18. The boldness you need is in the other side of setting yourseld in fire When you spend time print  ... By design God expected His redemptive work to show forth. You embrace God's vision for your life when you abnominate the ordinary life. This service is to prove how different we are, how eeired we ought to be in the eyes of the world. If there was anyone who emphasize d serving the true living God. Luke 9 vs 55. The purpose of power is convertion. Elijah had fire..that's destroyed. Jesus has fired that transforms. Acts 2v4 Matthew 3v11-13. Eph5v18

Like Incense.

Waiting and prayer re-aligns our priority. We must overcome the temptation of wanting to do other things. The ability notmto be distracted is the first strength that is renewed. You can be sick spiritually and not know. Deuteronomy is the re-iteration of the law... We do what we emphasize and conviction is built by what you emphasize. Heb 2v1 therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have lest we drift away. 5 classes of people JESUS related with 1. The multitude: they look for what is in it for them in prayer. "Bless me, blessed me ... A commercial approach to  Christianity.) Learn to prayer for the spread of the Gospel, learn to ininterced for the gospel . They will leave anyway..if they get what they want or not. 2 The Pharisees: they have some semblance of devotion. No depth. Public prayer life but no private prayer life. 3. Martha's WhatsApp group: Workers who helps other worhip but have no devotional...but one thing is need is needful 4. Judahs: No si...