Waiting and prayer re-aligns our priority.
We must overcome the temptation of wanting to do other things.
The ability notmto be distracted is the first strength that is renewed.
You can be sick spiritually and not know.
Deuteronomy is the re-iteration of the law...
We do what we emphasize and conviction is built by what you emphasize.
Heb 2v1 therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have lest we drift away.
5 classes of people JESUS related with
1. The multitude: they look for what is in it for them in prayer. "Bless me, blessed me ... A commercial approach to Christianity.)
Learn to prayer for the spread of the Gospel, learn to ininterced for the gospel .
They will leave anyway..if they get what they want or not.
2 The Pharisees: they have some semblance of devotion.
No depth. Public prayer life but no private prayer life.
3. Martha's WhatsApp group: Workers who helps other worhip but have no devotional...but one thing is need is needful
4. Judahs: No sign of contradiction in their life. Proximity is not transformation.
5. Those who fall because others fall.e.g Moses
Keeping a fervent devotion could make you vunerable, but it's better
We run with PATIENCE.
Men who wait can fly
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