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Catch Fire

Matthew 5v15

Redemptive testimony is demonstrative.

The Christian is for show.. 1 Peter 2v9

Case in point, Elijah, a man that was aware and conscious of his ability in God. 1 King 28, 18v33.

One of the way we can shine as light is to show power.

Eph 5v18.

The boldness you need is in the other side of setting yourseld in fire
When you spend time print 


By design God expected His redemptive work to show forth.

You embrace God's vision for your life when you abnominate the ordinary life.

This service is to prove how different we are, how eeired we ought to be in the eyes of the world.

If there was anyone who emphasize d serving the true living God.

Luke 9 vs 55.

The purpose of power is convertion.

Elijah had fire..that's destroyed.
Jesus has fired that transforms. Acts 2v4

Matthew 3v11-13.



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